Bridal Lingerie Explained

by: Jason Mark Hulott

A wedding gown is the centerpiece of a wedding. But if the gown is the centerpiece, the lingerie is the largest flower in the centerpiece. Without the right lingerie, a wedding dress doesn't fit the theme. Who would think to wear cotton panties and a simple bra underneath a wedding dress? Bridal lingerie can make or break the effects of a wedding dress. Different styles of lingerie can enhance or hide parts of the body that the bride feels are prominent.

What type of lingerie a bride gets depends on the style and length of the wedding gown. The choice also varies with the bride's body shape. Dresses that show some skin, or shorter dresses, will need an "invisible" undergarment that doesn't get in the way. Women who wear strapless dresses cannot wear a bra. In this case, adhesive cups or breast petals are tasteful and attractive. Breast petals cover the nipple and center of the breast. They can be made of polyester or silicone gel, and ensure that nothing comes through the gown that doesn't belong. For women who need to enhance their breasts, a bustier or push-up bra can do wonders to make them appear larger and fuller.

Bridal lingerie is reminiscent of the old corset/bustier style of the Victorian Era. But unlike the old style, newer types actually emulate comfort. They also offer the control that brides need underneath all that fancy ribbon and lace. Modern corsets tighten and form the waistline. They can be of a lace-up style or made from naturally stretchy material like spandex. Bustiers are also popular wedding lingerie. They emphasize and control the bust. And a simple pair of panty hose or control-top panties can support and tighten the rear.

It is usually the maid of honor who chooses the bridal lingerie. However, she only chooses lingerie for the wedding day itself. Sometimes the wedding night. It will be up to the bride to choose lingerie for the honeymoon. Each occasion will dictate a different kind of lingerie, since each has its own emotional context. For the wedding ceremony, lacy or patterned fabrics are not recommended. They can show through the gown, making it look somewhat sloppy and distasteful. Seamless undergarments and thongs are good for those who are comfortable in them. Especially if the bride wears a short dress or one that reveals the panty line. A bodysuit that covers both the breast and the torso will serve as a slimming garment, if the wedding dress is thin.

Finding bridal lingerie is a very important job. The bride will be wearing the wedding lingerie for more than twelve hours. She will need something that is comfortable while still being classy. Lingerie for the wedding night is easier to choose. No one but the bride and her new husband will see this lingerie. It's all about romance. Frilly, lacy lingerie is sexy and provocative without heading into pornographic. For the honeymoon, pornographic is good. Almost expected. But the theme doesn't have to be taken too far. The maid outfits and the fishnet stockings should be spared for later, when men and women need to spice up their sex lives, not on the honeymoon, when sex is most of the reason for celebrating!

Purify Your Body With Natural Body Detox

by: John Khu

Like every thing else the human body needs to be cleansed inside out every now and then, otherwise the accumulation of harmful, or in some cases even poisonous elements, may cause serious diseases, mental and physical fatigue, pains in various parts of your body, and an overall degeneration. So if you are trying to retrieve that lost spark, if you want to regain that zest for life, natural detoxification is the way to go. Get rid of those terrible toxins by natural body detox methods.

Detox methods clean the blood in your liver, through the kidneys, lungs, skin and intestine. And natural body detox methods are the cheapest and safest way of cleaning your body thoroughly.

Obviously, as a preparatory measure, prior to the beginning of your natural body detox, you have to bar further toxins from entering your body. Products which we consume regularly, such as, coffee, nicotine, refined sugar, alcohol, saturated fats, all contain toxins. So stop indulging yourself before you start natural detoxing. Other products of day to day use such as shampoo, toothpaste, soap, floor cleaners etc all contain toxins, so for the time being check the use of all that stuff.

Having stopped effectively the entry of more toxins, you can begin with the actual natural body detox process. Here are some of the ways in which you can have a natural body detoxification:

Natural Body Detox Method #1:Juice Fasting: this method requires you to drink only glasses of juice for up to three days. The juices of fresh fruits and vegetables of all kinds except citrus fruits like oranges and lemon. However, before continuing this method of natural body detox for more than three days you should always consult a doctor or a qualified nutritionist.

Natural Body Detox Method #2: Water Fasting: water fasting is perhaps the most effective way of natural body detox. For a day or two, you are supposed to live on a diet of water only. What happens is that the water flushes the toxins out of your system, but keep in mind that before extending this for more than two days consult a doctor or a health specialist. Like juice fasting water fasting too should be done while you are at home, in order to cope with the discomforts like headache etc while the toxins are being flushed out.

Natural Body Detox Method #3: A Healthy Diet: Good eating habits are not only a measure of natural body detoxification, but a healthy diet is something you should follow all year round for general benefits. Fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, raw nuts keep your system healthy and cleanses it too.

Natural Body Detox Method #4: Saunas: a sauna or a steam bath cleanses the dirt out of your body pores, so it not only detoxifies through your skin but also does away with the toxins deposited in the fat cells. Saunas are therefore a must in natural body detoxing.

Natural Body Detox Method #5:Skin Brushing: another method that enables you to detoxify your body through your skin, instead of your internal organs is skin brushing. Take a dry skin brush, and in gentle circular motions brush your skin, starting from your feet. This gets rid of the dead calls of your skin and cleans it.

Before getting started zero in upon the method(s) that suit you best and follow it. Natural body detox is something we all need, but get to know about the various methods and before undertaking a rigorous routine always consult an expert.

Tips for Losing Weight After Pregnancy

Every woman gains weight when she 's pregnant, and many women lose all the extra pounds soon after the baby is born. For others, though, every new child adds an additional 10 to 25 pounds that seems almost impossible to get rid of.

If you know that you tend to put on weight during a pregnancy because you never really lot the extra pounds after your last baby was born, it 's a good idea to discuss the issue with your doctor during your prenatal visits.

She'll make sure you're getting the nutrition you need, and will help you avoid gaining more weight during the pregnancy than you should. However, with the various hormone changes, weird food urges, and the lower rate of exercise that most of us get when we're carrying a baby in the womb, it 's not always easy to follow the doctor 's advice. If you have "morning" sickness all day long, ice cream is sometimes the only thing you can get yourself to eat.

So, what do you do to get rid of the extra pounds after the baby is born?

First of all, have one more talk with your doctor. Make sure that you don't have any lingering nutritional deficiencies, such as anemia, that a diet could make worse.

If you find yourself eating "comfort food" to counteract unhappiness or stress, ask your doctor to check to see if you have post-partum depression. Depression is common after a child is born, and it often causes people to gain weight, but it 's treatable - so there 's no reason to let it drag you down. If it 's a problem for you, talk to your doctor.

If you're going to breastfeed, getting nutritional advice from your physician is particularly important. Fortunately, nursing your new baby may actually help you lose the extra weight - but under any circumstances you need to make sure you don't short-change the baby (or yourself!) by going on a crash diet.

With your doctor 's approval, you'll want to get back into normal daily routines as soon as you can. Don't over-do, of course, but start moving again if you tended to sit a lot during your pregnancy. Habits are easy to build, and difficult to break.

To help you get back into walking for exercise, think about getting a front carrier or sling so you can take your baby with you on short walks through the neighborhood instead of always putting him in the stroller. The baby will enjoy being close to mom (it 's a great way to put a fussy baby to sleep), and you'll have more fun, too. And you'll lose more weight when you walk because you're carrying the baby.

Since you now have a new family, it 's a good idea to learn as much as you can about healthy eating, so all of you can feel your best and be as healthy as possible. If you've slipped into sloppy eating habits during your pregnancy because cooking right just seemed like too much trouble, now is the time to snap out of it and put those veggies back on the menu.

Eat a big salad at the beginning of every meal, and make them fun - with lots of variety and taste - so it starts to become second nature. Be sure you always have more veggies on your plate than anything else, as well, because that way you'll be able to fill up and feel satisfied without being tempted to weigh yourself down with the calories that hide in bread, pasta, red meat and desserts.

The one thing that will be the most helpful to you is to remember that the way you eat now will influence your new baby 's health for many years to come. Many people have discovered that they have a hard time losing weight until they realize their own eating habits may be hurting their kids.

Doing something for yourself might feel like a bother and too much work, (especially if it means cooking a real meal instead of grabbing a pizza), but doing the same thing for people you love is fun and feels completely worthwhile. Of course, your baby wont be eating those veggies for a while, but you'll want to get in the habit now.

Like most people, you'll probably discover that it 's easier to stay committed to your baby 's health than your own. It 's just human nature. Fortunately, good eating habits help both of you stay healthy, and it will help you lose weight.

If your baby grows up in a household where good, wholesome food is always a high priority, and where sweets and other treats are only given only on special occasions, your child will grow up strong and healthy. If you take the time now to learn how to eat right, you'll naturally lose your extra weight while you eat those veggies, and the whole family will benefit from your efforts.

About the Author

Too tired to cook healthy meals every night? Cook once a month, fill your freezer with your own delicious, home-cooked meals, and eat good every day! Learn how at

Explore Your Sexuality By Watching Videos

Change in culture is always visible with change in the kind of movies that are made and released across the world. Sometimes in some parts of the globe, there may be drastic changes that might not be acceptable elsewhere. This often leads to a delay in releasing the movie in the countries that have not seen such drastic culture shifts. We often find that controversial movie do not get released in theaters.

However, we soon see them appear on the shelves in movie stores. Getting CDs of these movies is not at all difficult. There are, however, a certain category of movies which just do not get sent to theaters. Instead, they are only out on CDs and DVDs. Adult videos fall into this bracket as most people who are interested in watching them prefer to do so in the privacy of their homes rather than in the company of the general public in movie theatres.

However, we do know of pornographic movies that were released in certain theaters way back in 1972. One movie among these that did exceptionally well was The Devil in Miss Jones.

As the years moved on, we began to see immense advancements in technology. People now started using video cameras to shoot these adult movies. This technological advancement led to a majestic leap in the growth of the adult industry and there has since been a consequent boom in demand for these movies.

Since a lot of such movies would not be shown on TV for obvious reasons, the only way in which people who were keen to watch these could do so was by waiting for the videos to be released. And then came the big Internet boom.

When the Internet was introduced, people realized that they no longer needed to wait for the movie to be released. Neither did they have to depend on friends to smuggle in the videos for them. One could simply download the videos from the Internet. As a result of this, those movies that were banned in a particular state could still be downloaded and watched by people living there.

This is how the adult movie industry makes its big bucks these days. Moreover, it is not considered a violation because authorities mostly do not get notified of the same.

At the same time, in other parts of the world, rules are slowly being relaxed with regard to the distribution of adult videos. This only makes it easy for people to gain access to them.

Nowadays they don't have to sneak into the stores or wait for nightfall to borrow or watch them. Today there are many couples around the world who are dealing with intimacy issues and see no way of solving them. If they seek the guidance of a counselor or talk to friends they might manage to get the same advice. A revolution in this arena is that many have discovered adult videos.

These videos help couples with intimacy problems to find answers for many of their queries. These videos have occasionally been used to bring such couples closer and rejuvenate their relationship. It is almost like a miracle cure for married couples who are going through difficult phases or who are trying to break barriers and learn to bond. The same can be said for singles that are stepping into relationships but are afraid of going further for fear of rejection.

It is all a matter of personal discretion and the willingness to experiment with what God has given us. You have to figure out whether or not this seems to be the right choice. If not, then you will have to look for other alternatives to add some spice to your lives.

About the Author

Interested in adult products? Visit: Adult Pay per View and find out about Adult PPV and also about Adult Pay per View. For the discerning adult.

What is Tantric Sex?

Tantric sex has many names in today 's culture: spiritual sex, sacred sexuality, spiritual union, and others. However, a common denominator in all these names is that they all relate to some level of spirituality.

Tantric sex is indeed related to your spiritual well-being because even though you are engaging in the sexual act, the purpose is not really to reach orgasm but to unite with your lover in ALL possible aspects. To put it simply, tantra lovemaking is not about intercourse per se, it 's about uniting or fusing together your bodies, and in the process connect with your partner in mind, body and spirit.

Tantric Sex History

Tantric sex has its roots in India some 4,000 years ago, where it was viewed as - what else - a spiritual tradition. It started to be known in the West in the early 1800s but it never really had a tremendously huge following.

However, in the late 1960s, a rebirth of the practice was reaching new heights in India and this led to its consequent re-emergence in Western culture. Today, tantric sex awakening is reaching an all-time high because you now also have such high profile couples advocating the benefits of tantric sex. For instance, when Sting mentioned on Oprah that he and his wife Trudie engage in tantric sex, which enable them to experience 'five or six or seven hours of lovemaking', the whole world wanted to find out what tantric sex is all about!

As mentioned, tantric sex is not just about 's ex', it involves many things: tantric breathing, tantric sexual massage, creating a scared tantric place, meditation, prolonging sexual intercourse, and even tantric after play. All of these have a special purpose in tantric lovemaking.

Tantric Sex vs. 'Normal' Sex

The main difference between tantric sex and lovemaking as we commonly view it today is this: reaching an orgasm. With regular sex, you have a goal - to reach your climax and that 's it. However, since men and women have different needs, more often than not, one of them (mostly women) do NOT reach their sexual goal (climaxing) and so there is a lot of pent up sexual frustration in today 's relationships. It is thus no wonder that a lot of relationships have underlying stresses.

Consider these common scenarios.

- He reaches his orgasm but she never does, resulting in sexual frustration for her.
- He 's a very caring guy and wants her to experience sexual pleasure but it takes her a long time to 'come' and so it 's building up performance anxiety and sexual frustration for him.

In contrast, Tantric sex is not about reaching an orgasm. It 's about union. The main purpose is to connect with your lover in all aspects: heart, mind, body and soul. Does this mean you don't reach an orgasm with Tantric lovemaking? Of course not!

On the contrary, Tantric sex practitioners swear that they have never had more body-rocking and mind-blowing orgasms before they tuned into to Tantra sex. So don't worry; you're in for A LOT of sexual pleasure with this form of spirituality.

Getting Started with Tantric Sex

The best way to get started with Tantric sex is to start slowly. Begin by viewing your sex partner in a different light. Try to see her as a goddess, a sexual playmate that you hold in the highest regard, and that making love to her is not just about physical pleasure in your groin area but about ecstasy in all aspects of your being.

Try this exercise: get a piece of paper and list down all the beautiful qualities or everything you like about your woman. Some men like to list down everything, even 'great cook!' or 'best woman driver I know' because, according to them, it helps them appreciate her more. Others, however, prefer to just list down sexually-related aspects such as 'I love how her hair sways when she 's on top of me', or 's he has the best looking ass I know'. Write down whatever aspect you feel like listing that will make you see her in a whole new light. Whatever works for you!

After creating your list, look over it and then close your eyes and revel in each of these qualities. Now, picture making love to her. Don't you see her now more than just someone to reach an orgasm with?

Lastly, people who engage in Tantric sex love it because 'things just keep on getting better'. Tantric lovemaking believes in this doctrine: practice, practice, practice! Yet at the same time, Tantric sex provides immediate improvements in your sex and spiritual life. So go try it. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

About the Author

Gabrielle Moore is owner of The Female Orgasm Revealed, a site to help men please their female partners with an orgasm every time. For more information, go to: